I think I was still out of it. I'm sure I knew I had kids but that would be it. Had I known what would be in the following 3 years, I think I would've asked a nurse for more drugs. It has been incredible being me. Especially being the "Mom" me. I've been overwhelmed by thoughts of 3 years ago and thoughts of the next 3 years. The D-word has been the hardest hill I will have climbed but I would go through it a million times over for my boys. Happy Birthday my darlings, you are my breath, my heartbeat, my ginormous smile, my enormous headache, my sunshine and my true love. You have taught me much but my one lesson that I will never forget nor classify as "learning the hard way", is unconditional love. I'm glad that you are alive in these tremendous times; I'm glad you're mine. I love you.
Cole (while running thru King Soopers this morning at 6:45am to get birthday cookies for he and Kanyon's b-day parties at preschool) yelled, (while giggling so hard he could barely breathe) Mommy!!! Mommy, I farted!! I laughed so hard that I had tears. I knew this day would come. Good job, Colie, you made Mommy - and I'm sure your Uncle Gabe, very, very proud.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
A Man Among Men

Congrats to every single American who voted. Democratic or Republican or otherwise; you have the right to vote and for that we should be thankful. I am. I am grateful that I helped vote an outstanding man into office and that I will be able to sleep at night knowing that my rights are protected and so is my country. After hearing McCain's speach, I earned respect for him. He's a good man but now is not the time for him. Cheers friends, we have made and are witness to history!!! Something we can be proud of!
Pic's are compliment of Christian Lees, who got to be in Chicago tonight. I'm jealous I'm not there Lees!!
Monday, November 3, 2008

What a great day!!! It was 68 degrees today at least! It's a big day and I can dig it. I have to thank my girls in the office for losing so badly at our running challenge so that I could go get a russian banya/massage for 2 and a half hours!!! It made for a perfect birthday and I loved it. The boys told me happy birthday for the first time. It is going to be a great year, the boys are going to be 3 and we have a lot of great new beginnings to look forward to.
Saturday, October 25, 2008

So it's been almost 6 months since the last Planet Rex post and here we are. The fam consists of the boys and I and Daddy's house. Time now to be happy and we're out of hiatus. The boys get it. That was interesting and sad and great and heartbreaking and I think even the dogs felt it. So go forward, I work for a great company that i have a passion for. This wonderfully lonely and empowering chapter has nothing but anticipation of a great ending. Stay tuned.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Sorry for the lack of posts lately. I am on blog/life hiatus. Please stay tuned for new posts and pictures.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Happy Mother's Day!!!
To my Michigan family, Happy Mother's Day. I hope you had a wonderful day. We went to the zoo, had a great brunch w/ my Dad before hand. He got a new toy!! Picture below... He's a spoiled one. :)
Boy A has pink eye!! Can you guess which eye has it? LOL!! He looks like he got in a bar fight! Boy B didn't have it but got to stay home from preschool anyway. He was very happy about that! Smiles below! Pink eye didn't keep K down, so happy!! Cutie babies below!

Boy A has pink eye!! Can you guess which eye has it? LOL!! He looks like he got in a bar fight! Boy B didn't have it but got to stay home from preschool anyway. He was very happy about that! Smiles below! Pink eye didn't keep K down, so happy!! Cutie babies below!

Friday, May 9, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Rainy Day

Well not much to talk about..... Advice: Never dare someone to eat the carnation for the bar tab! Better advice: Never dare Jessica to eat the carnation!! Large bar tab needless to say. Picture to prove it to your left. A beautiful picture of Alison who glows as bright as the moon when she's pregnant!! The boys received their first balloon animals and met their first clown at Alison's "Congrats You're a CFP" Party!! Thank you Alison, we had tons of fun!! Congratulations!!
Today is rainy and dreary but we're half way thru the week. That counts for something. I don't know what.... HAPPY HUMP DAY!!
Today is rainy and dreary but we're half way thru the week. That counts for something. I don't know what.... HAPPY HUMP DAY!!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Direct To You
From Louisville, Kentucky!! Churchill Down presents: The Kentucky Oaks!! ...and a few races before it. Below is a pic of Steve in front of the steeples and then a very pretty horse running in one of the races today. I'll take a mint julep!!!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008
Happy Derby Weekend Everybody!!

So Steve is off to the derby - left this morning at 4:30am - I think.... I was dead asleep with my mouth open. I bet that was nice to kiss goodbye.... Sorry honey. I digress.... The ponies have their numbers so get your bets in!!! Don't pick the fav horse, it won't come in. Not every year is a Street Sense year. We made juleps last night to celebrate early! Happy Derby Weekend & Cheers!!
Oh, check out C in the background! Caught green fingered!!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
We May Be Married But We're Not Hockey Friends
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
lame redwings got nuthin'!!!
What Happens Where Stays Where?
it's supposed to be so gorgeous today!! I'm so excited!!! Latest discussion: what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. St00ooopid!!! Is this a reason to cheat? Do most people cheat and stick to the rule and zip their lips? Did you know that in the "guy code" there are dudes that can't go on "guy trips" because he comes home and reports too much? I also understand that men are more afraid of "lady's trips" than ladies are of "guy trips"! At least that makes me feel better!! What is going on here, really?!
Also, if you live in the Denver Metro, DO NOT BUY A CAR FROM A DEALERSHIP THAT RHYMES W/ SCHMO SCHMOGE SCHMOUTH SCHMEST!!! What a bunch of morons. There was a meeting of morons looking for work and they all landed their jobs there! If you're looking to purchase a new vehicle, don't want to spend more than you should and would like to keep your family safe, do not go here. I'm just sayin'.
My husband got me an early Momma's Day gift! He got me an iPod Nano and I lo
ve, love, love it!! Anyone wanna help me figure out how to work it? I'll put Nanny's pic in here for you to see. So much fun!! He's pretty good stuff. He got one for himself too! Taking it to the Derby this weekend. Yeah, I know, "guy trip". We have a little known thing called trust though. Plus, he likes his knee caps on his knees..... :)
Also, if you live in the Denver Metro, DO NOT BUY A CAR FROM A DEALERSHIP THAT RHYMES W/ SCHMO SCHMOGE SCHMOUTH SCHMEST!!! What a bunch of morons. There was a meeting of morons looking for work and they all landed their jobs there! If you're looking to purchase a new vehicle, don't want to spend more than you should and would like to keep your family safe, do not go here. I'm just sayin'.
My husband got me an early Momma's Day gift! He got me an iPod Nano and I lo

Thursday, April 24, 2008
Jenna Bush Rocked It!
Please go forth and youtube the Larry King Live Show from last night!! Ah heck, I'll do it for you:
Check out Laura's face the second and third time you watch. As a matter of fact, don't even watch Jenna, watch the First Lady's iconic fake smile the whole time!!! UNFORGETABLE!!
I'd like to thank Gabby for showing me that. Hours of entertainment.
Check out Laura's face the second and third time you watch. As a matter of fact, don't even watch Jenna, watch the First Lady's iconic fake smile the whole time!!! UNFORGETABLE!!
I'd like to thank Gabby for showing me that. Hours of entertainment.
Does He Look Cross-eyed Today?

Here is Tank. Tankenstein. Tank and Beans (thanks to my brother). Tank Top. Tank is a 6 month old Champion Sired, Reverse Apricot Brindle, English Mastiff. He looks better today. Maybe he just knocked himself a little silly. I added Jefe, our Chihuahua because he gets jealous and I think he'd get really upset if he knew I was just blogging about Tank. Jefe El Guapo Swenson.

I had to add some funny pics of the boys. They were being hilarious last night. They're clowns 100% of the time and last night they were friends too!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
What a Boring Hump Day
So let's see, The Derby is a week away, Mother's Day is 18 or so days away..... My boss has not sent the "person" in to be trained by a less than willing me. Pretty boing. I know why!! Because it's 80 degrees and gorgeous outside and that's where everyone's at!!! I took Tank to a friends house last night (Tank is our beloved English Mastiff puppy - the size of a commuter train at 6 months) and I think he ran into their glass door so hard that it knocked him cross-eyed. Is that possible?!! What's more, are there doggie spectacles OR doggie lasik? I'll post pic's of him tomorrow morning. You be the judge.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
I've Seen Him/Her!!
I have laid my eyeballs upon the person whom I will train. I will train myself out of a contract position. I have also talked to a person that is training another un-AMERICAN and when my friend is done, he/she will be laid off/canned. The question is, will this person let me take their picture so I can post it here??!! No, I won't even attempt. Will I stand up and walk out of this joint when the time comes to train? I'd like to say I will.... but I'm not sure. We could really use the cash. That's the problem. We (us Americans) aren't doing anything about it because it's not effecting us RIGHT NOW. What a sad place it will be when it directly effects us in the NOW.
So the boys (The Dudes) are starting to really attach to Daddy. That's the saddest thing ever for a Mom!!!! CJ didn't want daddy to leave him after he buckled him in the car this morning on the way to preschool. "Mommy!!!" hast left the building only to be replaced w/ a much more saddening shreek of "DAAAAADDDDDYYYYY!!!!" I beg of you, how can this process be reversed???!! I love my husband and respect him for the father he is, don't get me wrong... but what the H-E double hockey sticks am I to do when I'm no longer good enough to kiss the owies and snuggle my babies???? Instead I'll hear "oh rub some dirt in it", or "shake it off". I can't stand that Steve's such a total Momma's Boy (Sorry Mrs. Rechsteiner, he soooo is) but I want my boys to stay Momma's Boys!!! WHAT CAN I DO?????
So the boys (The Dudes) are starting to really attach to Daddy. That's the saddest thing ever for a Mom!!!! CJ didn't want daddy to leave him after he buckled him in the car this morning on the way to preschool. "Mommy!!!" hast left the building only to be replaced w/ a much more saddening shreek of "DAAAAADDDDDYYYYY!!!!" I beg of you, how can this process be reversed???!! I love my husband and respect him for the father he is, don't get me wrong... but what the H-E double hockey sticks am I to do when I'm no longer good enough to kiss the owies and snuggle my babies???? Instead I'll hear "oh rub some dirt in it", or "shake it off". I can't stand that Steve's such a total Momma's Boy (Sorry Mrs. Rechsteiner, he soooo is) but I want my boys to stay Momma's Boys!!! WHAT CAN I DO?????
Monday, April 21, 2008
So as to not sound incorrect, I will leave the country in which the company I work for uses, out. I have worked for a telecom for 7 years, which has been acquired multiple times by multiple companies over the 7 years and is now owned by a larger (but not the largest yet) telecom company. I quit my job in telecom to become a stay-at-home mom. The term House Wife didn't bother me though but I'm called stay-at-home mom.
I digress.... So I took a 3 month contract position for the man I used to work for doing the job I used to do. My company has begun to outsource like mad and I've been asked today to train a man from another country to do my job for what some people have said is 20 cents an hour. I'll be the first to admit that this is an overpaid job but it's an AMERICAN who is being paid and that money, you can surely bet is going directly back into the AMERICAN economy when the AMERICAN economy needs it most!! So, I can say no to my boss and he will walk me directly to the door and my family could use the money that I am bringing home. I was told by a friend that by doing that, I'm trying to stop a train by standing in front of it. I could mess around w/ the trainee by giving him the wrong directions, but again, I'm only making the train late. What do we do as Americans to stop this??? Roll over, between the tracks only to ask for another until Safeway joins Costco in their rice rationing and Reading Railroad steamrolls blue collar AMERICA??!! Have any ideas?
I digress.... So I took a 3 month contract position for the man I used to work for doing the job I used to do. My company has begun to outsource like mad and I've been asked today to train a man from another country to do my job for what some people have said is 20 cents an hour. I'll be the first to admit that this is an overpaid job but it's an AMERICAN who is being paid and that money, you can surely bet is going directly back into the AMERICAN economy when the AMERICAN economy needs it most!! So, I can say no to my boss and he will walk me directly to the door and my family could use the money that I am bringing home. I was told by a friend that by doing that, I'm trying to stop a train by standing in front of it. I could mess around w/ the trainee by giving him the wrong directions, but again, I'm only making the train late. What do we do as Americans to stop this??? Roll over, between the tracks only to ask for another until Safeway joins Costco in their rice rationing and Reading Railroad steamrolls blue collar AMERICA??!! Have any ideas?
What The????
This is funny but come on, admit it! We've all done it!! When was the last time you put gas into your imaginary car???!! Article on thedenverchannel.com
Man Attempts To Fill Up Imaginary Car
Kentucky Man Charged With Drug Trafficking
Man Attempts To Fill Up Imaginary Car
Kentucky Man Charged With Drug Trafficking

Good morning. I hope you all dated this weekend. I'm so sunburned. I don't learn. I think that's partly due to the scorpio in me, I tend to do what I want and deal w/ the consequences later. Which brings me to the picture. 2 1/2 year old, scorpio boys together that don't want to take a nap=TROUBLE. I put them down 3 times and then when I thought (& don't think they don't know to be quiet for 3 minutes so I'll think they're sleeping!) they were finally calmed down and trying to go to sleep, I realized then that I underestimate these monsters! (and I mean that in the sweetest mothering way possible) They were outside mostly to completely naked when I found them. Steve & I heard them laugh while we were working in the front yard, I walked inside to see the back door open and a naked Cole standing in the garden laughing w/ Kanyon who only donned a shirt. I won't get into the details about what I found in their bedroom but I had to change K's sheets and they both said that C did it. None of this surprised Steve nor I, nor our neighbor Mike who was working in his yard laughing and keeping an eye on them as he knew what they were up to......
Friday, April 18, 2008
I Guess It Was a Hoax??

Are you kidding me???? The most disgusting female American this week was messing w/ us? To get us talking nonetheless?! Well as you can read, it worked. Being that she has a legal right to display such revolting disregard for human rights and the fact that she made me retaste a breakfast sandwich (sausage, mind you) and a vanilla latte, should there be any punishment for this type of display or will her conscience be punishment enough?
HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE! I'm taking my hubby out on a surprise date tonight. We really need it. You know when you get married and right away find out that you're pregnant and then find out that it's twins and you have to be on bedrest almost the entire pregnancy and in the hospital and then focus mostly on the children and put your marriage on the back burner because you know it will be there??? Yeah, we do too and we need a date. In lieu of this happening, please go on a date w/ someone that you enjoy spending time w/ - even if that someone is your cat. Enjoy and have a great weekend!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Where Is That Guy?
Would you go see this movie???!!! I need some thoughts on this one because I have to know!! See link below and then cast your vote or add a comment and let me know. I personally think this is hilarious and I will absolutely go see it. Do you think this is offensive??? http://www.whereisobl.com/
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Grouchy Today I think
Happy Hump Day. It's suppsed to snow today and I'm soooooo over the snow. Here's what else, LaLa said that she didn't refuse to pick Mello up and that Denver Sargeant hasn't fessed up to driving him around town to find a Ritz-Carlton to check into. The plot thickens. I'm over this too. Hey, how's the pregnant dude?
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
And Snow tomorrow?

It was 61 degrees at 7:00am this morning! Steve took this shot of the boys and I before we left for school & work. Tank is in the back ground sniffing out a place - or flower to poop on. Nice doggie. Cole on my right, Kanyon on my left.
Steve and I worked out together. He lost a bet. I have to admit, I didn't think he'd show but at 5am, he was ready to pay up! It was fun and I'm trying to get my nice weather buns back on....just in time for tomorrow's snow. Great.
So Mello got arrested for DUI yesterday morning. (or suspicion of) Should atheletes be held to a higher standard? He's a role model after all. Or should he (and the rest of our role models) be able to make idiot choices like the rest of us? I'm not talking celebritites either. Most are not, under any circumstances, role models. I'm talking athletes and mentors and real role models. Teachers? Fire Fighters? Cops? You decide.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Good morning. 3 things:
It's Monday
It's the day before tax day (not a pretty scene in my household) and we had to work w/ a huge D-bag at the place that rhymes w/ clock.
The boys have gotten Steve and I sick.
Need I say more? Talk tomorrow. Have a glorious day!! ........Oh, 2 good things, it's supposed to be 74 wonderful degrees today and 79 tomorrow!!! Me loves Colorado!! .....Oh and another thing, it's supposed to snow on Wednesday.... Oh Colorado......
Friday, April 11, 2008
Do Toys Poop?

It is April and we received about 5 inches of spring snow in our neighborhood. Steve took the boys outside to build a fine snowman!!
On the way to preschool this morning, Cole said "poo poo Mommy, poo poo Mommy!!" I turned around to see if he was going poop in the carseat and he had his rubber bunny toy that he got for being such a good kid the day before @ school; he was pulling the bunny's legs nearly off and looking in his bottom. Toys don't have to go poo poo Cole but it was nice to be thinking of that poor bunny. Kanyon thought that this was rediculous, of course toy, rubber, green bunnies don't poop.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
We Are

This is my pride and my joy. They switch off between the two and sometimes they are my heckle and jeckle. No, sometimes they're my pride and joy and usually they're my heckle and jeckle. Cole is on the left and Kanyon is on the right. Kanyon=clown. Cole=instigator. They are both the happiest, sweetest boys I will ever be so fortunate to meet and they will always be my heart and soul. Kanyon has had pneumonia 3 times and hospitalized once for it. He has been on a 55' oxygen hose "leash" for 1.5 weeks. He may have asthma. Cole has had stitches twice - one pinky finger, one chin; and has had a spiral fracture on his right shin bone. The doctor told us (Cole and I) that she had a feeling she would see us (Cole and I) again. She is wise. This is their first day of Early Preschool.
This is Steve. He is my husband. He's handsome. We were married in March of 2005 and found out we (I) was pregnant with twins in late April 2005. I spent 6.5 weeks on bed rest at home and was then permitted to go to work (NOC Tech at ICG Comm.) for 4 weeks and then admitted to the hospital w/ symptoms of pre-term labor for the next 11.5 grueling weeks of my life and our marriage. Steve is a good man and husband. He runs a residential construction business and does an extremely great job at it. He doesn't dig the stress it brings on him and neither do I but it puts food on the table and keeps us in champagne taste with our beer budget. A quote from my Father. Also wise.
Shouldn't We All Do This?

so it's April 10, 2008 and it's about time. I think we should all be blogging our eyeballs off! I am Sarah, wife of Steve and mom of twin 2 year old boys. My great friend Hillary has spent the last many years living in the UK and traveling around Europe and is now on a 6 month campervan trip to see the places she and her boyfriend Bevan haven't yet seen. She started a blog http://hillbillytravels.blogspot.com/ and she got me thinking.... Shouldn't we all do this?!
I told my mother last week that I couldn't wait until things got back to normal. Things have never been normal or calm and so I say today I will throw normal out the window onto the chewed up gum on the sidewalk below.
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