Sunday, February 22, 2009

Work To Live or Live to Work

Who are you? What do you want? How will you answer these questions? What are these answers worth to you? In 30 years, will you still have the same answers? ABSOLUTELY NOT.

I am a mother to 2 wonderful boys and I am a million more things than that. Firstly, I am a mom. I am momma, mommy, MOM!!! I want to be a mom, but I mostly want my family and those around me to find happiness. I can't make anyone but myself happy but I can cultivate the happiness in others so that they too find how to make themselves happy and cultivate the happiness in everyone who crosses their path. These answers are completely priceless and completely my own. I want to work, command respect and do it righteously. I will provide for my children and will do it well. My family will not be left wanting at the end of the day. I want this and I will work to get it and thank myself and those around me who help me achieve these goals along the way. My family will not pay a price, however, for their happiness. This may mean that for a while I will live to work; I will be proud to own that and I believe they will too.

The loves of my life above, asleep after a very rugged night of sliding down the stairs at Grandpa's. That was a great night! Sleeping with their mouthes open..... MOM!!