Monday, July 9, 2012

Just Get Up in the Morning

It has been tough before and it will be tougher than this some day but if it doesn't kill us, does it make us stronger? Or more jaded? Or better our skills at hiding ones head in the sand just long enough until whatever painstaking, excruciating situation is just bearable enough to pull that sandy, dirty head out of hiding? We should be a tough people by now. I'd like to know this answer. I'll weigh in and guess yes. It seasons our reasoning skills, coping skills and if there were spilled tears, well I say that just greases the proverbial mental gears. So get out there and cry your eyeballs off, embrace your shit, the more crap, the better, because when you do decide to brush those teeth, you'll be the toughest, strongest, well oiled mental form of yourself. Oh and please, I'm not ready yet so please bring me a granola bar, and lose the toothpaste..... I'll get there.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I Got It Done, Had It Checked, And We've Got Heat

So with that said, you now know that you don't have to pay $1000 for a new blower motor or any other part....  You can do it yourself and if you really can't, call me.  I'll do it.  I just don't think American's deserve to be robbed like that.  $800 in labor??  Really?  No, really.  Either way, it's 16 degrees out and I have a fire because I want one and the heat is on...

Has anyone heard the conversation with the captain of the Costa Rica Cruise Ship?  He was asked if he was on board (his passengers were and weren't even told to evacuate) and he said "No!  It's starting to keel!"  Well shi*!  If it's starting to keel, screw those passengers, I'm outta there!  Idiot.  Gnarly fail.  There isn't enough jail time for this degenerate.  He never even gave an order to abandon ship.  My heart goes out to the family members of the lost; may you somehow find peace.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Done With Phase I of Replacement

So I have the new motor mounted to the blower and have them both mounted to the housing.  This is soooooo what I wanted to be doing tonight and not going to my friend Caleb's 35th birthday celebration.  Uh huh.

Day Two of Blower Motor Replacement

Well there is an end in sight and soon fires in the fireplace will just be because I'd just like a fire in the fireplace! Here is video of day two - no make up, tired but ready to tackle this head on.

Replace Your Own Blower Motor, Chump

Think I can't?! I'll tell what I can't do; I can't pay $1000 bucks for a $150 project. Sure, I have a band-aid on every finger and went through 2 pairs of socks because my hands kept snagging them, and SURE my son said "Ow!" when I licked my thumb and gently tried to clean hot chocolate off of his face.......  I paid $150 for a new motor to replace the one that failed on me and it was work but it wasn't hard work and you can do it too.  Unless, you have the $1k to throw around.  I've blown through a lot of hot chocolate too because I've been buying the affection of my sons as they have been kind of amazing through this whole ordeal.  They have to run into their freezing bedrooms to grab clothes for the day or pj's and run down to the fire to get dressed before the frostbite sets in.  I can't thank my amazing Mother and Step Father who surprised me with a 1/2 cord of wood and a quarter pounder yesterday and insane moral support and my father who calls his youngest daughter his hero and who drove all the way across town with pizza and wine and sat on my couch in my freezing house to just be there for me.  You are my people and I love you.  Now, here is the video on how to do this work; please don't laugh, I'm so un-photogenic and hate my voice but if this helps anyone, then I've done my job..  More videos to follow  Oh yeah, this guy is the best ever!