Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How Many Social Media Sites Do I Need???

Answer: ALL OF THEM!!  If I intend on keeping up with the ways of the world, I will require the following:
These are the minimal requirements.  I wonder when my subscriptions to social media and my presence in the social enterprise world will negate a need for my resume.  I'll tell you what, my social media presence looks better.  While I may not be on board for that 100% yet, (and I know I will be) I will keep striving.  Whats more, I need all of my SMS (social media sites) to communicate to each other.  For example, will soon communicate with my FB profile (looks like I'll be creating a professional profile).  The feature I like about Google+ is that I won't need to create both my fun profile and my work profile; I can have "Circles"!!  Now I know where I can post those 'too risque for my boss girls night out' pictures!!  That's the smartest thing they've done yet.  I just wish Google and SFDC would play nicer together sooner.  But for now my blog talks to my FB, talks to my Yahoo, talks to my Gmail, talks to my iPhone.  I think I'm good.  Are you?  FYI, my 92 year old Grandfather text messages me.  He doesn't LOL but he does when he calls me.  Which brings me to another point.  Text messaging is the new morse code.  Get w/ that.  I just had a conversation w/ a friend which lasted for 2 days that was neither had on the phone nor via SMS.  All social media.  I can dig it.  I can sooooo dig it.

Time to go get ready to meet a friend for coffee.  I made this date via Skype.  Ha ha ha.