Monday, July 9, 2012

Just Get Up in the Morning

It has been tough before and it will be tougher than this some day but if it doesn't kill us, does it make us stronger? Or more jaded? Or better our skills at hiding ones head in the sand just long enough until whatever painstaking, excruciating situation is just bearable enough to pull that sandy, dirty head out of hiding? We should be a tough people by now. I'd like to know this answer. I'll weigh in and guess yes. It seasons our reasoning skills, coping skills and if there were spilled tears, well I say that just greases the proverbial mental gears. So get out there and cry your eyeballs off, embrace your shit, the more crap, the better, because when you do decide to brush those teeth, you'll be the toughest, strongest, well oiled mental form of yourself. Oh and please, I'm not ready yet so please bring me a granola bar, and lose the toothpaste..... I'll get there.