Monday, September 30, 2013

Splitting Up My Boys

So I have to admit that I am not the dedicated blogger that I set out to be 5 years ago.  Regardless, here is my newest crisis.

I received an email from one of my twin boys teacher that my boys are now no longer to sit together at lunchtime, or play together outside during recess time.  Whoa.  I've always wanted to ensure that my identical twin boys grew up with their own identity and individuality but they have been separated in all that they do now.  Their classrooms are different, their bedrooms are different and now the only time they will spend together is in a millenium when I'm not so disappointed in them for effecting their teachers so much so that the PRINCIPAL was copied on todays email.  Is my problem - their behavior - that I've let them in the same room as each other or is it that I haven't?  All of the friends that I have (and husband) with twins don't have twin boys.  Or if they do, they are younger than mine and so they haven't been given this exceptional experience....  I need a group.....  For a lot of reasons...

So, I will separate them at home and follow the schools lead but I'm not sure that's right!  Because I know my boys the best and that second when they have time together, they will hug each other so tight and giggle and laugh and fall over and someone is going to try to ferb the other and then someone's going to get that someone back with a ferb of the century and then someone is going to lick the other someone and then I'm going to yell and they're going to giggle harder and louder and then it's all boys have lost touch with my singleton reality and slipped back into their zone and all is right with the world!  WAIT!!!  That's what I'm trying to prevent!!  Okay so maybe I ground them from everything they love EXCEPT each other.  I will not try to break them of what is right, I will try to give them an outlet to do what they do best and that is WRESTLING!!!  I will not and I will never try to remove the 'BOY' from my boys.  I have failed them though in that I have not taught them APPROPRIATENESS and a time and place for everything.  So take that, Franklin Elementary!  I won't teach them that what they are doing is wrong because it's simply not.  I'll teach them that they need to learn that wrestling at school is not okay.  But loving each other and being a boy and taking out aggression - one thing that males produce far more than women - is a part of who they are.  I will not squash the 'boy'.  Thanks Blogger, for helping me figure that out and providing me with my latest soap box.  I'm climbing down now....