Thursday, January 8, 2009

HAPPY 2009!!

The last few months have been nutz fo sho! Christmas is over, and it was great. This is the first year the boys really got it and it was soooo much fun. Cole fell asleep in my bed and Kanyon woke up around 7am, went down stairs looking for me. He came running upstais yelling "Mommy, Santa came, Santa came", "he brought us a train!". Mission complete and 100% success! Was sweet that he was thinking of his brother too.

They continue to amaze me. They were sitting at their table coloring and silent (which is amazing in itself) and didn't speak a word for about 5-10 minutes. Then all of a sudden, Kanyon looked up at Cole and said "it's not paint, it's a crayon; you said it was paint!" They had not had a verbal conversation about paint or a crayon previously. Cole then said "no I didn't, I said it was a crayon!". I almost fell out of my chair. My identical twin sons had had a conversation w/o saying a word but when it came time to argue their points, it came out verbally. I now realize a little bit more the scope and caliber of trouble I'm in, along with their teachers, family and friends. Look out world, this is caaarraaaaazzzaaaayyy!!

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