Monday, June 8, 2009

June 2009

It has been a year. A long year. A fast, long year. It has been an amazing lesson. An amazing test of my strength and patience. I have 3 year olds. They have charm. Tonight I said "If you keep making that face, it's going to stick like that!" I think I say these things to make myself laugh. Kanyon made a 'monster' face at Cole during dinner and Cole did not appreciate the face - the trauma that Kanyon put his skin thru to scare the beejeezus out of his brother. It was good. I was scared.

I hope for this next year to further test my strength, to further try my patience so that I gain some more, for my moves to be more calculated, and to run because I love the accomplishment and because I know what I'm made of and it is goooood.

The boys were wrestling, it's indeed in their blood, and Kanyon pulled Cole's shirt over his head and then pinned him. I told them they should play hockey. Pic's of their hockey moves and Cole's most recent stitches. This scar is right next to the 1st set of stitches Cole has received. We're averaging a set a year for that one. Stay strong Kanyon, we don't need to own The Children's Hospital. They ran their first 1/2 mile Colfax Kids Marathon! They rocked that 1/2 mile. Mommy is proud of her boys.

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