Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Happy Wednesday - I'm Trying To Be Nice
I'm sooooooooooo grouchy this evening. I love love love having the boys in hockey though. I can honestly say that I have produced very cool people. I was so proud to see them get up with the most ginormous smile on their faces every time they fell. We talked about how they were going to fall alllllllllll the time but as long as they could get back up and still have fun, we'd be happy. They blew that theory out of the water. K has put his skates on if he's been awake. I have to let them carry their skates into school and then they give them to me and I put them in the car and that is the only way I can get the boys to go anywhere.... Weird? OCD? Probably more of both than I'd like to admit. I'm just glad that they have an undying love for a sport that beats the crap out of them.
Powerball tonight. Again, size 4. Maybe 6 since my leg injury. Nahhh, 4. And diamonds.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Monday puts the FU in wait...
So I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I went to the rodeo, and no lie, the beers were $6.75. That's insane. A Coors Banquet! One would think that we Coloradans would get a deal on beer made in our own state... I had a diet Pepsi. Thank you, Pepsi for not raking me over the coals as much as Coors does.
So how 'bout dem Bears.... I wanted the Bears to win, not sure why but I think they're cool fans. Either way, I failed to get what I want, didn't I? So I'm sure you and the rest of Colorado agrees with me when I say, "Wow, Cutler didn't cry?!?!" But that's not nice. He did take his team to the semi-finals.... Look who's not crying either, that sissy McDaniels. I wish he'd cry. I'd like to make him cry. Either way, Packers? Stillers? I have way cooler Stillers fan friends than Packers.... I think now I probably have less friends too... The proof? I know exactly who of my friends is a Steelers fan. I know that they carry their terrible towel in their lunch box and I have proof that two of my friends had 'Terrible Towel' on their guest list at their wedding. I can't name more than 2 people that I've ever known that are Packers fans. I do know that Packers fans are fanatic and love their team but who are you??? At the end of the day, I think I'll root for those Steelers. After all, I like you cheese, both sharp and american alike, but I eat you and you're gone. Steel cannot be eaten.
Congrats to my friends in Greeley, a 7' baby girl born at 4:14am today! All our love!!
Here's a rodeo pic from the weekend:
So how 'bout dem Bears.... I wanted the Bears to win, not sure why but I think they're cool fans. Either way, I failed to get what I want, didn't I? So I'm sure you and the rest of Colorado agrees with me when I say, "Wow, Cutler didn't cry?!?!" But that's not nice. He did take his team to the semi-finals.... Look who's not crying either, that sissy McDaniels. I wish he'd cry. I'd like to make him cry. Either way, Packers? Stillers? I have way cooler Stillers fan friends than Packers.... I think now I probably have less friends too... The proof? I know exactly who of my friends is a Steelers fan. I know that they carry their terrible towel in their lunch box and I have proof that two of my friends had 'Terrible Towel' on their guest list at their wedding. I can't name more than 2 people that I've ever known that are Packers fans. I do know that Packers fans are fanatic and love their team but who are you??? At the end of the day, I think I'll root for those Steelers. After all, I like you cheese, both sharp and american alike, but I eat you and you're gone. Steel cannot be eaten.
Congrats to my friends in Greeley, a 7' baby girl born at 4:14am today! All our love!!
Here's a rodeo pic from the weekend:
Friday, January 21, 2011
Go Colorado! Continue To Cut Those Budgets Because I Can Afford My Breakfast
I'm not happy about this. This is crap. A budget cut by people who have no problem feeding themselves and their children. Because come on, what's 30 cents anyway?! I tell you what, $.30 is a ton of money to a family that doesn't have it. And that said, how many of these families that currently have children benefiting from this free meal, only have one child?! I'll admit, I've licked my chops at my piggy bank before when I wasn't sure I had enough gas or cash to get thru the week. If you say you have never done this, then I applaud your privilege and maybe you could loan a buck fifty to some folks who won't even attempt to look under the couch cushions because they know there's not a penny under any one of them. Go find a charity to fund this project, he says! Yeah, right, go do that. Who in the eff is this guy? My sister had a bumper sticker that read "I Vote For Kids". I'm proud of her. I vote for kids too. Keep cutting our education budgets, and places where we need it most Colorado, and we will gravely pay.
I'm not happy about this. This is crap. A budget cut by people who have no problem feeding themselves and their children. Because come on, what's 30 cents anyway?! I tell you what, $.30 is a ton of money to a family that doesn't have it. And that said, how many of these families that currently have children benefiting from this free meal, only have one child?! I'll admit, I've licked my chops at my piggy bank before when I wasn't sure I had enough gas or cash to get thru the week. If you say you have never done this, then I applaud your privilege and maybe you could loan a buck fifty to some folks who won't even attempt to look under the couch cushions because they know there's not a penny under any one of them. Go find a charity to fund this project, he says! Yeah, right, go do that. Who in the eff is this guy? My sister had a bumper sticker that read "I Vote For Kids". I'm proud of her. I vote for kids too. Keep cutting our education budgets, and places where we need it most Colorado, and we will gravely pay.
It is soooooooooooooo Friday
Here is your Friday movie quote of the week: Now, I had heard that word at least ten times a day from my old man. He worked in profanity the way other artists might work in oils or clay. It was his true medium; a master.
This one is easy, you should be able to guess it.
Who's going to the rodeo this weekend?! Yeeeee Haw! Can't wait. Just as soon as this day gets over and I have ensured that my angels have made only "gooder" choices in school today, I will be prepared to get st00pid kinds of excited for a fun filled weekend.
This is a very organized picture of the boys and I at the Peach Festival last summer. I've got to get better at taking pictures...
This one is easy, you should be able to guess it.
Who's going to the rodeo this weekend?! Yeeeee Haw! Can't wait. Just as soon as this day gets over and I have ensured that my angels have made only "gooder" choices in school today, I will be prepared to get st00pid kinds of excited for a fun filled weekend.
This is a very organized picture of the boys and I at the Peach Festival last summer. I've got to get better at taking pictures...
Thursday, January 20, 2011
The Corleone House is For Sale
I think that this would be the ultimate relic!! For $2.9M, you can have this compound, the fake wall that goes around it AND, wait for it.....MARLON BRANDO'S QUEUE CARDS. I have to check my piggy bank but I think this would be a cool purchase. I wonder if it smells like the dog food factory on I-70 what w/ all the dead horse heads that were manufactured on those grounds....
Speaking of which, Black Swan. Who saw it?! Could it have done w/o the 'intense' scenes? I think so. I was uncomfortable... I'm trying to picture a scenario (w/ my sisters, w/ friends I've had for years) that would not have made me uncomfortable. I think if I were alone I'd have been uncomfortable. Or is the issue w/ me? I shudder to think...... ME? Noooooooooo.....
Here is a picture of .... I don't even know what I'll add here, I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
Brrrrrrr, it's cold out there today. A 17 degree day today. My eyelashes are shivering...
Speaking of which, Black Swan. Who saw it?! Could it have done w/o the 'intense' scenes? I think so. I was uncomfortable... I'm trying to picture a scenario (w/ my sisters, w/ friends I've had for years) that would not have made me uncomfortable. I think if I were alone I'd have been uncomfortable. Or is the issue w/ me? I shudder to think...... ME? Noooooooooo.....
Here is a picture of .... I don't even know what I'll add here, I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
Brrrrrrr, it's cold out there today. A 17 degree day today. My eyelashes are shivering...
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
No Good News on the News - Hopefully You'll Win the Powerball Tonight
So I just checked my local news and it smells of dead fish and trash. So I'll give you some good news, I won 24 bucks on the Powerball on Saturday! That's got to be at least 15 cans of Spaghettios! That's good enough for me! The PB is up to 96M. If you win, have I told you lately how much I appreciate our friendship? My bikini size is also a 4 and I like diamonds.
So Boy A told me that he is not going to be silly anymore and he'd like the same rule to be applied to his brother, because Boy A "is trying to be a dude." You heard it here first people, no more silly if you're trying to be a dude. I know a few of you who just lost your dude card. Here is a weird twin thing, both of the boys have the same exact loose tooth. We call it a "wiggle tooth" in our household. Like I needed more ideas of how my sons are going to financially break me off something..... Maybe they'll fall out at Daddy's house....? No, I want to be the Tooth Fairy, plus, he'd look so scary in a tutu, I don't want the boys to never let their baby teeth fall out for fear of seeing a very burley fairy.
Happy Hump Day! Get a powerball ticket, quit being so silly and try to be a dude, maybe make a dentist appointment. Here is a pic of the dude.
So Boy A told me that he is not going to be silly anymore and he'd like the same rule to be applied to his brother, because Boy A "is trying to be a dude." You heard it here first people, no more silly if you're trying to be a dude. I know a few of you who just lost your dude card. Here is a weird twin thing, both of the boys have the same exact loose tooth. We call it a "wiggle tooth" in our household. Like I needed more ideas of how my sons are going to financially break me off something..... Maybe they'll fall out at Daddy's house....? No, I want to be the Tooth Fairy, plus, he'd look so scary in a tutu, I don't want the boys to never let their baby teeth fall out for fear of seeing a very burley fairy.
Happy Hump Day! Get a powerball ticket, quit being so silly and try to be a dude, maybe make a dentist appointment. Here is a pic of the dude.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
I signed the boys up for hockey yesterday and now I hope I can be tough. If you've ever met the tornado twins, you know they're tough but if you've ever met me, you know I'm just portraying a tough girl who is all smooshy inside. I can be momma bear and I hope it's not you that brings her out but otherwise I'm what's called a roasted marshmallow. That's what my mother says at least. I am gooey on the inside. So I digress. I signed them up for hockey - The Colorado Flames!! They have been on roller skates once. On inline skates NEVER. They're much like their father though, they can pick up a sport just by thinking about it. I am the one I'm worried about. I will want to yell "honey, are you alright?!" every single time they fall. What if they cry? I will want to go out there. I know that I can't do that but what I don't know is how I'm going to GET A FREAKING HOLD OF MYSELF!! We all know that Boy B will be bashing through 5 year olds as soon as he gets a load of 'checking' a fool! I see yet another set of stitches in my near future, don't I? So any advice that you all can give me, (and it better not be "you can't go, Sarah") I will gladly accept. Next sport: Gymnastics! Here is a pic not of hockey twins but just as fun. There is a turtle in Colorado somewhere that still hasn't come back out of his shell.....
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Why go get a breakfast sandwich at 8am when you can just go get a beer?
Thank you for those wise words, Spartacus. At the perfect spot with a good friend. Here is saturdays question: would you pay to go a Superbowl if you had no clue who was going to play in it? I say yes .... I think. Maybe not.
Why do men feel the need to be so manly? After having watched a chic flic, my friend Spartacus feels the need to go box or play football. Why can't you just go knit afterword, we all know you want to.... And it's not wrong!
Why do men feel the need to be so manly? After having watched a chic flic, my friend Spartacus feels the need to go box or play football. Why can't you just go knit afterword, we all know you want to.... And it's not wrong!
Friday, January 14, 2011
So the Friday Movie Quote:
"You went out six hours ago to buy a money counter and you come back with a semi-conscious Gloria and a bag of fertilizer. Alarm bells are ringing, Willie."
Here's a thought: Should Senator Williams toxicology report be made public? To the family of the victims only? If you are unsure of what I'm talking about, see or
Also, here's a good read on GREAT MAN:
Happy Friday, all. Here's a pic of the cutest Yoder cutie pie thus far...his sibling is still baking in the oven...
"You went out six hours ago to buy a money counter and you come back with a semi-conscious Gloria and a bag of fertilizer. Alarm bells are ringing, Willie."
Here's a thought: Should Senator Williams toxicology report be made public? To the family of the victims only? If you are unsure of what I'm talking about, see or
Also, here's a good read on GREAT MAN:
Happy Friday, all. Here's a pic of the cutest Yoder cutie pie thus far...his sibling is still baking in the oven...
Thursday, January 13, 2011
How Easily Can a Divorce Decree Be Modified w/ Regards To Parenting Time

So I'm wondering if this is an easy task or if it's a bit harder to do. I'm praying for the latter. ....I might have a friend who has a friend who's cousin's ex-husband is a creep and a control freak who is threatening to change the parenting time plan. Has anyone ever dealt with this?? I don't want to get an atty....
Here's a picture of Boy B's first loose tooth for your viewing pleasure.
Friday Movie Quote Trivia (a day early!!) Try to guess before you google it! "You went out six hours ago to buy a money counter and you come back with a semi-conscious Gloria and a bag of fertilizer. Alarm bells are ringing, Willie."
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