Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday puts the FU in wait...

So I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!  I went to the rodeo, and no lie, the beers were $6.75.  That's insane.  A Coors Banquet!  One would think that we Coloradans would get a deal on beer made in our own state...  I had a diet Pepsi.  Thank you, Pepsi for not raking me over the coals as much as Coors does.

So how 'bout dem Bears.... I wanted the Bears to win, not sure why but I think they're cool fans.  Either way, I failed to get what I want, didn't I?  So I'm sure you and the rest of Colorado agrees with me when I say, "Wow, Cutler didn't cry?!?!"  But that's not nice.  He did take his team to the semi-finals....  Look who's not crying either, that sissy McDaniels.  I wish he'd cry.  I'd like to make him cry.  Either way, Packers?  Stillers?  I have way cooler Stillers fan friends than Packers....  I think now I probably have less friends too...  The proof?  I know exactly who of my friends is a Steelers fan.  I know that they carry their terrible towel in their lunch box and I have proof that two of my friends had 'Terrible Towel' on their guest list at their wedding.  I can't name more than 2 people that I've ever known that are Packers fans.  I do know that Packers fans are fanatic and love their team but who are you???  At the end of the day, I think I'll root for those Steelers.  After all, I like you cheese, both sharp and american alike, but I eat you and you're gone.  Steel cannot be eaten.

Congrats to my friends in Greeley, a 7' baby girl born at 4:14am today!  All our love!!

Here's a rodeo pic from the weekend:

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