Thursday, November 6, 2008

3 Years Ago Today......

I think I was still out of it. I'm sure I knew I had kids but that would be it. Had I known what would be in the following 3 years, I think I would've asked a nurse for more drugs. It has been incredible being me. Especially being the "Mom" me. I've been overwhelmed by thoughts of 3 years ago and thoughts of the next 3 years. The D-word has been the hardest hill I will have climbed but I would go through it a million times over for my boys. Happy Birthday my darlings, you are my breath, my heartbeat, my ginormous smile, my enormous headache, my sunshine and my true love. You have taught me much but my one lesson that I will never forget nor classify as "learning the hard way", is unconditional love. I'm glad that you are alive in these tremendous times; I'm glad you're mine. I love you.

Cole (while running thru King Soopers this morning at 6:45am to get birthday cookies for he and Kanyon's b-day parties at preschool) yelled, (while giggling so hard he could barely breathe) Mommy!!! Mommy, I farted!! I laughed so hard that I had tears. I knew this day would come. Good job, Colie, you made Mommy - and I'm sure your Uncle Gabe, very, very proud.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Man Among Men

Congrats to every single American who voted. Democratic or Republican or otherwise; you have the right to vote and for that we should be thankful. I am. I am grateful that I helped vote an outstanding man into office and that I will be able to sleep at night knowing that my rights are protected and so is my country. After hearing McCain's speach, I earned respect for him. He's a good man but now is not the time for him. Cheers friends, we have made and are witness to history!!! Something we can be proud of!

Pic's are compliment of Christian Lees, who got to be in Chicago tonight. I'm jealous I'm not there Lees!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

What a great day!!! It was 68 degrees today at least! It's a big day and I can dig it. I have to thank my girls in the office for losing so badly at our running challenge so that I could go get a russian banya/massage for 2 and a half hours!!! It made for a perfect birthday and I loved it. The boys told me happy birthday for the first time. It is going to be a great year, the boys are going to be 3 and we have a lot of great new beginnings to look forward to.