Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

To all of you Dad's, have a great day! You've earned it. Happy Father's Day Dad! Happy Father's Day Joe! Happy Father's Day Grandpa! Happy Father's Day Dave! Here's a pic of the boys who have a lot of their Dad in them, their Grandpa Joe definitely, their Grandpa Greg and a lot of their Grandpa Swenson. Also, a pic of my Dad. I love you all, you've taught me a lot and enriched my life and the lives of my children.

Monday, June 8, 2009

June 2009

It has been a year. A long year. A fast, long year. It has been an amazing lesson. An amazing test of my strength and patience. I have 3 year olds. They have charm. Tonight I said "If you keep making that face, it's going to stick like that!" I think I say these things to make myself laugh. Kanyon made a 'monster' face at Cole during dinner and Cole did not appreciate the face - the trauma that Kanyon put his skin thru to scare the beejeezus out of his brother. It was good. I was scared.

I hope for this next year to further test my strength, to further try my patience so that I gain some more, for my moves to be more calculated, and to run because I love the accomplishment and because I know what I'm made of and it is goooood.

The boys were wrestling, it's indeed in their blood, and Kanyon pulled Cole's shirt over his head and then pinned him. I told them they should play hockey. Pic's of their hockey moves and Cole's most recent stitches. This scar is right next to the 1st set of stitches Cole has received. We're averaging a set a year for that one. Stay strong Kanyon, we don't need to own The Children's Hospital. They ran their first 1/2 mile Colfax Kids Marathon! They rocked that 1/2 mile. Mommy is proud of her boys.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Who Said That??!!

"Mommy, you hurt my feelings; you made me cry!!" "Sweetie, I'll give you something to cry about." Who said that??!! I started laughing before I could finish that comment. Kanyon just looked at me, wondering why I was laughing while he was upset. Mother, I will call you in the morning to discuss......

Do we all always turn into our mothers??? I guess I could think of worse things to be. I have often wondered how some sayings stick around. I now have my answer.

I have also learned that baths & lavender have adverse effects on my children. So maybe I will bathe them in caffeine next time. Yep, I'll try it.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Work To Live or Live to Work

Who are you? What do you want? How will you answer these questions? What are these answers worth to you? In 30 years, will you still have the same answers? ABSOLUTELY NOT.

I am a mother to 2 wonderful boys and I am a million more things than that. Firstly, I am a mom. I am momma, mommy, MOM!!! I want to be a mom, but I mostly want my family and those around me to find happiness. I can't make anyone but myself happy but I can cultivate the happiness in others so that they too find how to make themselves happy and cultivate the happiness in everyone who crosses their path. These answers are completely priceless and completely my own. I want to work, command respect and do it righteously. I will provide for my children and will do it well. My family will not be left wanting at the end of the day. I want this and I will work to get it and thank myself and those around me who help me achieve these goals along the way. My family will not pay a price, however, for their happiness. This may mean that for a while I will live to work; I will be proud to own that and I believe they will too.

The loves of my life above, asleep after a very rugged night of sliding down the stairs at Grandpa's. That was a great night! Sleeping with their mouthes open..... MOM!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inaguration Day

Happy Inaguration Day to all! I am so excited for today. What an amazing point in history that we get to be witness to!
The Dudes are growing up. They're starting to really be their own people. No more little blobs that laugh and poo. Cole told me the other night "Mommy, I love you". Unsolicited. This made my eyes water. They are silly and their own people and each other's best friend and worst enemy and so amazing to me. Kanyon told me this morning that the moon turned off. Like a lightswitch. Of course it did. He also knew which foot was his right!
To my Rechsteiner Family, our thoughts and prayers are with you and Uncle Bob. We love you very much.
My half marathon training starts tomorrow. I am nervous! Never again in my life will I smoke another cigarette!!! 4 miles hurt bad this last Saturday!!
Not much else going on here so go be a part of this wonderful historic day and make some history of your own!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

HAPPY 2009!!

The last few months have been nutz fo sho! Christmas is over, and it was great. This is the first year the boys really got it and it was soooo much fun. Cole fell asleep in my bed and Kanyon woke up around 7am, went down stairs looking for me. He came running upstais yelling "Mommy, Santa came, Santa came", "he brought us a train!". Mission complete and 100% success! Was sweet that he was thinking of his brother too.

They continue to amaze me. They were sitting at their table coloring and silent (which is amazing in itself) and didn't speak a word for about 5-10 minutes. Then all of a sudden, Kanyon looked up at Cole and said "it's not paint, it's a crayon; you said it was paint!" They had not had a verbal conversation about paint or a crayon previously. Cole then said "no I didn't, I said it was a crayon!". I almost fell out of my chair. My identical twin sons had had a conversation w/o saying a word but when it came time to argue their points, it came out verbally. I now realize a little bit more the scope and caliber of trouble I'm in, along with their teachers, family and friends. Look out world, this is caaarraaaaazzzaaaayyy!!