Thursday, February 17, 2011

Almost Friday! Are You Incredibly Busy?

Because I am.  So Valentine's Day has come and gone.  Another 1 day out of the year when you're madly in love.  Phewwww!  Glad that day is over, go back to disliking and loathing people.  Just kidding, please don't loathe anyone.  I do have to wonder if it's true that it takes more energy to hate someone than to love and appreciate them.  Let's discuss.  Hating someone makes you mmmmaaaaaaddddd, causes you to yell and sometimes throw things.  I run when I'm mad.  I throw things too, LIKE KNUCKLES!!  Just kidding again.  I just run a couple of miles whilst plotting my vengeance!  LOL.  Okay, I don't do that either.  I do know that I get hot and that my body does physically change when I'm upset or mad.  And many people do blow off steam by way of exercise.  However, on the flip side, being in love is a huge workout.  Mystery solved.  Love uses more energy.

The boys are getting better at hockey.  So much better, in fact, that last night, I actually thought to myself, they're skating good enough that it's not as funny as it was...  :(  They are messing around w/ each other though.  That can be  funny.  (I'm not using their names anymore because I google image'd my sons and found them so I will call them Boy A and Boy B just like the hospital did.  If you know my boys, you know that Boy A is the lover and Boy B is the fighter.  Boy B has had stitches 3 times and a broken leg if that helps)  So last night Boy B jabbed his brother in the face mask w/ the blunt end of his hockey stick.  Not to be outdone, that  jab was met w/ a yanking of the hockey skates out from under the jabber.  I took them to Target the other night and when we left, the boys were in disagreement as to where we were going next.  They stood angrily in front of the shopping cart and would not move.  I realized at that point that some day soon, unless I run them over w/ the cart, I will not have much in the way of argument.  These two gorgeous and incredibly sweet angels are a force to be reckoned with AND THE KICKER YOU ASK?  THEY KNOW IT.  A scene in "The Social Network" comes to mind: "I'm 6'5", weigh 220 pounds, and there's two of me!"

Happy Thursday

Monday, February 7, 2011

Ugggghhhh Happy Monday

Last week was a brutal end of month.  How 'bout that Superbowl?  Sorry Steelers, too bad Ben.  I wonder if his breakfast that morning was an apple turnover.  Just sayin'.

Anyway, does anyone out there actually like Bill O'Reilly?  If you're it, do you think to yourself while he's verbally vomiting, "yeah Bill, you tell 'em!  That was a brilliant comment, Bill, nice work!"  Do you?  Chime in here then, because I get you like I get Bill.

So our snowiest month is coming up, and Feb. is already a  doozy!  Did anyone drive to Castle Rock on Saturday late afternoon?  That was a mess.  And for our SUV or large Pick-up driving friends who again failed to read this note or didn't hear someone yelling at you, here you go again: BECAUSE YOU HAVE AN SUV OR LARGE AUTOMOBILE, DOESN'T MEAN YOU WILL NOT SLIDE ON ICE.  IN FACT, YOU WILL SLIDE FURTHER AND HIT THE UNSUSPECTING DRIVER IN FRONT OF YOU HARDER!  Slow your larger automobile down and quit causing all of these accidents.  Here's another note while I'm on my soap box rightfully entitled "public service announcement soap box", IF YOU ARE SCARED TO DRIVE IN IT, STAY ALLLLLLLLL THE WAY TO THE RIGHT OR BETTER YET, STAY HOME.  If you need emergency services, dial 911.  If you're out of wine, call one of your friends to bring some over.

And now here are some pics of my wonderful angels at their school party this weekend:
Their faces were stained and I did think that they would stay like that.  Shouldn't there be a disclaimer in place from the clown like, "hey lady, I'll gladly paint your child blue because he asked for it, but don't plan on getting this Sharpie-ish paint off his skin for days."  Lesson learned.