Wednesday, January 19, 2011

No Good News on the News - Hopefully You'll Win the Powerball Tonight

So I just checked my local news and it smells of dead fish and trash.  So I'll give you some good news, I won 24 bucks on the Powerball on Saturday!  That's got to be at least 15 cans of Spaghettios!  That's good enough for me!  The PB is up to 96M.  If you win, have I told you lately how much I appreciate our friendship?  My bikini size is also a 4 and I like diamonds.

So Boy A told me that he is not going to be silly anymore and he'd like the same rule to be applied to his brother, because Boy A "is trying to be a dude."  You heard it here first people, no more silly if you're trying to be a dude.  I know a few of you who just lost your dude card.  Here is a weird twin thing, both of the boys have the same exact loose tooth.  We call it a "wiggle tooth" in our household.  Like I needed more ideas of how my sons are going to financially break me off something.....  Maybe they'll fall out at Daddy's house....?  No, I want to be the Tooth Fairy, plus, he'd look so scary in a tutu, I don't want the boys to never let their baby teeth fall out for fear of seeing a very burley fairy.

Happy Hump Day!  Get a powerball ticket, quit being so silly and try to be a dude, maybe make a dentist appointment.  Here is a pic of the dude.

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