Friday, April 18, 2008

I Guess It Was a Hoax??

Are you kidding me???? The most disgusting female American this week was messing w/ us? To get us talking nonetheless?! Well as you can read, it worked. Being that she has a legal right to display such revolting disregard for human rights and the fact that she made me retaste a breakfast sandwich (sausage, mind you) and a vanilla latte, should there be any punishment for this type of display or will her conscience be punishment enough?

HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE! I'm taking my hubby out on a surprise date tonight. We really need it. You know when you get married and right away find out that you're pregnant and then find out that it's twins and you have to be on bedrest almost the entire pregnancy and in the hospital and then focus mostly on the children and put your marriage on the back burner because you know it will be there??? Yeah, we do too and we need a date. In lieu of this happening, please go on a date w/ someone that you enjoy spending time w/ - even if that someone is your cat. Enjoy and have a great weekend!

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