Monday, April 21, 2008


So as to not sound incorrect, I will leave the country in which the company I work for uses, out. I have worked for a telecom for 7 years, which has been acquired multiple times by multiple companies over the 7 years and is now owned by a larger (but not the largest yet) telecom company. I quit my job in telecom to become a stay-at-home mom. The term House Wife didn't bother me though but I'm called stay-at-home mom.
I digress.... So I took a 3 month contract position for the man I used to work for doing the job I used to do. My company has begun to outsource like mad and I've been asked today to train a man from another country to do my job for what some people have said is 20 cents an hour. I'll be the first to admit that this is an overpaid job but it's an AMERICAN who is being paid and that money, you can surely bet is going directly back into the AMERICAN economy when the AMERICAN economy needs it most!! So, I can say no to my boss and he will walk me directly to the door and my family could use the money that I am bringing home. I was told by a friend that by doing that, I'm trying to stop a train by standing in front of it. I could mess around w/ the trainee by giving him the wrong directions, but again, I'm only making the train late. What do we do as Americans to stop this??? Roll over, between the tracks only to ask for another until Safeway joins Costco in their rice rationing and Reading Railroad steamrolls blue collar AMERICA??!! Have any ideas?

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